carrot cashew spread

actu­al­ly ists yes not yet sum­mer. But I had cress and toma­toes over from a pho­to job I had as a food styl­ist. And I was long­ing for fresh sal­ad and sun­ny veg­eta­bles. In the mid­dle of Jan­u­ary. Toma­to breads are one of the best break­fasts in the sum­mer I think. For the bread I took a recipe that I once devel­oped for an organ­ic mag­a­zine. It con­sists of gluten-free oat­meal, nuts and seeds. In the kind a few years ago, the Cana­di­an blog­ger Sarah Brit­ton had baked her “life chang­ing bread” and since then var­i­ous recipes cir­cu­late in books and on the net. There are also already var­i­ous ready-made bak­ing mix­tures in the kind, which you have cer­tain­ly already dis­cov­ered in organ­ic mar­ket shelves. Write in the com­ments if you are also inter­est­ed in my recipe. Then I take that as a post soon.

To the bread was then a car­rot cashew spread. The is veg­an, gluten-free and quite quick­ly pre­pared. So that the cashews are soft­er and thus fin­er can be pureed they should be soaked at least 6 hours or overnight. If you don’t want to wait that long, take boil­ing water and soak them in it for 1 hour. Instead of car­rots you can also use beet, cele­ri­ac, parsnips or pumpkin. 

Maybe grate some horse­rad­ish into it, or mix in fresh herbs. Fresh toma­toes bring some acid­i­ty to the bread, pea shoots spici­ness. For lunch, I also like to eat the veg­etable cream with rice dish­es, bowls or pasta.

cashew carrot spread

Prep Time10 mins
Cook Time20 mins
Soak Time6 hrs
Total Time6 hrs 30 mins
Course: spread
Cui­sine: gluten­free, vegan
Key­word: car­rot, car­rots, cashewnuts, cashews, spread


  • strong blender100


  • 100 g cashewnuts
  • 300 g car­rots
  • 1- 2 gar­lic gloves
  • 5 tbsp olive oil extra vir­gin
  • salt
  • pep­per


  • Soak cashews either in plen­ty of boil­ing hot water for 1 hour or in twice as much cold water for 6 hours/ overnight. Mean­while, brush & rinse the car­rots well. Cut into about 2 cm pieces & steam in salt­ed water until soft or steamed. Drain and let cool completely.
  • Drain cashews and rinse again. Puree fine­ly with the car­rots, gar­lic and oil. Sea­son with salt and pep­per. Mix indi­vid­u­al­ly with oth­er spices and herbs, nuts, lemon juice, sun-dried toma­toes, etc. as desired. Store in the refrig­er­a­tor. Use for bread or to spice up bowls, rice dish­es, etc. 
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