date — cashewnut cubes

At the moment we are sit­ting in the lock­down again. It’s freez­ing cold out­side, dark and now and then reg­nets. The con­struc­tion work­ers who are build­ing a new house right next to my bal­cony (strange­ly enough, con­struc­tion com­pa­nies do not have to let their work rest) con­tin­ue to stand brave­ly every day at 7 on the fresh­ly poured flat roof in arti­fi­cial flood­light. Some­times I have the feel­ing I would have to hand over a hot cocoa. But i guess they have their own hot strong coffee.

So this is the time when these pic­tures and the cubes were made. Par­ents torn between home­school­ing and their own jobs, nerves are very much on everyone’s mind. When you’re crav­ing warmth and sun­shine and stressed out, how can you not crave for can­dy bars and dan­ish­es? Espe­cial­ly in the after­noon low I think about whether not at least still opened choco­lat San­ta Claus­es or hard sour snakes (after all veg­an and with­out arti­fi­cial col­ors) in the can­dy cup­board wait­ing for me. That is actu­al­ly like every win­ter so. But this year one has as good as no move­ment.
You know what I’m talk­ing about: no sports or yoga class­es, no bike paths to the job, no stairs up to the 4th floor to friends or offices. How many peo­ple have told me that they have gained 8–10 kg since the first lock­down. Grief and bore­dom make it worse. In order to coun­ter­act this at least a lit­tle, I have been look­ing for a health­i­er snack. It’s sweet and chewy. The almonds, cashews and coconut oil are sup­posed to help keep blood sug­ar from spik­ing. Add a pinch of fleur de sel and you have a touch of this deli­cious dark choco­late with salt flakes. For this recipe you need a pow­er­ful blender or food proces­sor. The dates should be pureed very fine­ly with the cocoa pow­der and coconut oil. Here is a lit­tle video of how to make it. You don’t nec­es­sar­i­ly need a mold. It is just eas­i­er to form the cubes the same size. You can also roll out the mass between two lay­ers of bak­ing paper.

Packed air­tight and stored in a cool place, the cubes will keep for sev­er­al weeks. Maybe it’s a lit­tle help for you to get through the win­ter and sug­ar attacks with­out eat­ing too much con­ven­tion­al sweets. STAY STRONG AND SANE. 

Cocoa- Cashew Cubes

veg­an Pow­er Snack — easy made 
Prep Time20 mins
Küh­lzeit1 hr
Total Time1 hr 20 mins
Course: Dessert, Snack
Cui­sine: veg­an
Key­word: almonds, cashews, dates, gluten­free, pow­er­snack, snack
Serv­ings: 36 cubes


  • food proces­sor
  • oven dish or bak­ing pan 20 x 20 cm
  • bak­ing paper


  • 250 g Med­jool dates
  • 30 g coconut oil liq­uid
  • 20 g cocoa pow­der unswee­t­end
  • 50 g cashew nuts
  • 50 g almonds
  • 20 g flaxseeds ground
  • 20 g hemp seeds hulled
  • 2 El mul­ber­ries dries
  • 100 g fine rolled oats gluten­free, who needs/wants to
  • 1 Prise Fleur de Sel for those who like


  • Pit the dates and rough­ly chop them. Puree in a food proces­sor togeth­er with the coconut oil and cocoa pow­der to a fine mass. Chop the cashews and almonds. Knead into the cacao mix­ture along with the hemp seeds, mul­ber­ries and rolled oats. If you like salt in choco­late, add a pinch of fleur de sel or rock salt.
    Pour even­ly into a mold lined with bak­ing paper and press well so that the sur­face is as smooth as pos­si­ble. Refrig­er­ate for at least 1 hour. Cut into cubes to eat. Keep in a cool place.
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