When we eat bananas, my daugh­ter and I agree, we only eat them when they are not ripe — and pret­ty green. If they lie in the kitchen too long and have turned brown, I mix a “milk” shake out of them or, as here, I bake a banana bread. I’ve adapt­ed an old­er recipe of mine to make it gluten-free and vegan.

In all hon­esty, I did real­ly well ;-). So now it’s with­out egg and spelt flour, but with olive oil and tar­tar bak­ing powder.

I bought the dark choco­late (we also agree that choco­late should be dark) at Tony’s.
They want to change the choco­late indus­try. Check out their mis­sion statement.

enjoy, bake, test & subscribe 


Prep Time20 mins
Cook Time1 hr
Total Time1 hr 20 mins
Course: bak­ery, cake
Key­word: bread, choco­late, glutenfree
Serv­ings: 12 pieces


  • loaf tin 22 cm


  • 150 g dark choco­late
  • 100 g almonds or hazel­nuts
  • 80 g cane sug­ar or coconut blos­som sug­ar, as desired
  • 150 g ground almonds
  • 100 g buck­wheat flour
  • 50 g food starch (pota­to or tapi­o­ca) gluten­free
  • 2 tsp tar­tar bak­ing powder
  • 1/2 tsp ground cin­na­mon
  • 1/2 tsp bak­ing soda
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 4 ripe bananas (net 400 g )
  • 150 ml plant milk ‑gluten­free alter­na­tive­ly water
  • 75 g olive oil extra vergine


  • Pre­heat the oven to 180°C top/bottom heat. Chop the choco­late and almonds. It can be chopped medi­um fine, or coarse if you like. Mix both with sug­ar, buck­wheat flour, starch, bak­ing pow­der, cin­na­mon, bak­ing soda and salt.
  • Peel the bananas and mash them fine­ly in a bowl with a fork. Mix briefly togeth­er with veg­etable milk and olive oil. Stir only briefly so that the dough is not tough lat­er. Line a loaf tin with bak­ing paper. Pour in the dough and smooth it out.
  • Bake on the 2nd rack from the bot­tom for approx. 1 hour. If the sur­face becomes too dark, cov­er with bak­ing paper. Remove the tin from the oven and leave the bread to cool for about 15 min­utes. Turn out and leave to cool on a cool­ing rack. 
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