pumpkin rolls with olive oil

.. actu­al­ly, we want­ed to start the week­end with a day at the sea­side. After a storm, you can find great things on the beach and after many days at work and many peo­ple and cars in the city, it’s nice to breathe fresh sea air for a day. So I baked some rolls the day before for our trip. But now the hur­ri­cane “Zeynep” has been announced. And it’s prob­a­bly bet­ter to stay at home. Now I have buns and time for the blog.

The first time I baked them with wal­nuts, oat­meal and rose­mary. Now, for the pic­nic, they’re clean, just with the pump­kin puree. I used Hokkai­do pump­kin with the skin on. It makes a great colour and con­sis­ten­cy. Either boil the pump­kin cubes in a lit­tle water until soft or cut the seed­ed pump­kin into equal-sized cubes, spread them out on a bak­ing tray lined with bak­ing paper and bake them in the oven for about 20 min­utes (at 180 degrees con­vec­tion). Then fine­ly mash the cooked pump­kin or mash it with a pota­to mash­er. If a few small orange pieces remain, that’s no problem.

If you want to eat them the next day, you can bake the rolls again briefly on or in the toast­er. You can top them sweet or hearty. Let’s see, maybe the hur­ri­cane sea­son is over on Sun­day and we can go to the water again. Have a nice week­end and write me if you give the recipe a try.

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pumpkin rolls with olive oil

veg­an & glutenfree
Prep Time20 mins
Cook Time20 mins
Total Time40 mins
Course: bak­ing, Break­fast, Picnic
Key­word: bak­ing, gluten­free, pump­kin, rolls
Serv­ings: 8 pieces
Author: Pia West­er­mann


  • 1 tbsp rose­mary needles

flour mix

  • 150 g whole­meal rice flour
  • 100 g ground almonds
  • 100 g food starch (pota­to or tapioca)
  • 10 g ground psyl­li­um husk
  • 20 g tar­tar bak­ing powder
  • 1 tsp xan­than gluten­free
  • 1 tsp ground turmer­ic
  • 1 strong pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of ground pepper

remaining ingredients

  • 80 g olive oil (extra vergine) extra vir­gin
  • 250 g pumkin puree
  • 3 tbsp oats , glutenfree
  • 1 hand­ful wal­nut kernels


  • Fine­ly chop the rose­mary nee­dles and mix it togeth­er with the flour ‑mix ingre­di­ents in a bowl. Add olive oil and knead between fin­gers with flour mix­ture to form a crumbly dough. Add the pump­kin puree and 2 tbsp of ice cold water. Knead briefly until smooth. 
  • Roll out the dough on a light­ly floured sur­face or direct­ly on a bak­ing sheet into a cir­cle, about 18 cm. Sprin­kle with oat­meal and coarse chopped wal­nuts. Now care­ful­ly roll it out into a cir­cle of about 20 cm and divide it into 8 cake pieces with a knife. Pull these a lit­tle apart.
  • Bake in a pre­heat­ed oven at 180 degrees con­vec­tion (top/bottom heat 200 degrees) for 15- 20 min­utes. Let them cool on a cool­ing rack. They taste best lukewarm.
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1 comment on “pumpkin rolls with olive oil

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