pumpkin waffles

The last pump­kin from this gar­den sea­son I have now trans­formed into puree. Lit­tle by lit­tle I process this into rolls, sauces or as here into waf­fles. The spe­cial thing about this waf­fle recipe is not only the pump­kin, but also the olive oil I used in this recipe. I want­ed to elim­i­nate the use of but­ter or veg­an mar­garine. Since I have pre­vi­ous­ly baked breads or cakes with olive oil, I know that it fits well, even if the pas­tries are sweet.

And since I have real­ly very crit­i­cal peo­ple around me, who tell me their opin­ion about my recipes quite relent­less­ly, I can tell you today that they liked it hon­est­ly. Very well indeed! I served the waf­fles with almond paste and berry com­pote. Pure or sim­ply with pow­dered sug­ar they also taste superb. If you have mixed the flour mix­ture togeth­er, the rest is done quick­ly. Alter­na­tive­ly, you can replace the flour mix­ture with a gluten-free ready-made flour mix­ture for fine pas­tries, if the mix­ing is too time-con­sum­ing for you, or you do not want to buy the indi­vid­ual ingre­di­ents. But still please use the bak­ing pow­der and spices. And then of course you need pump­kin puree.

For this I always take Hokkai­do pump­kin. Its skin can be used and gives an extra rich col­or. And the puree is rel­a­tive­ly dry, com­pared to oth­er vari­eties. Either cook the pump­kin flesh in a lit­tle water until soft, or put it in equal-sized pieces on a bak­ing sheet and roast them for about 20 min­utes in the oven (about 180 degrees con­vec­tion). Then mash the pump­kin fine­ly with a pota­to mash­er, or blend it. Small pieces do not both­er me, I find it quite attrac­tive when a few orange pieces flash out of the dough. If you don’t like that, or need to hide the pump­kin from veg­etable avoiders, mash it very fine­ly. 🙂 If you are already prepar­ing the pump­kin, you can also make a lit­tle more puree and freeze it for oth­er pas­tries, quick soups or hot puree with fried sage leaves and roast­ed nuts etc.. It will last 2–3 days in the refrigerator.

The waf­fles turned out tasti­est when they were nice and brown and long baked. And in the squared (Bel­gian waf­fles) waf­fle iron they are the crispi­est. But I like the heart shape more 😉

Have a great fall/winter/waffle sea­son !!! I appre­ci­ate your feed­back! Pia

Pumpkin Waffles

Prep Time10 mins
Cook Time20 mins
rest­ing time10 mins
Total Time40 mins
Course: bak­ery, bak­ing, cake, sweets, waffles
Key­word: eggfree, gluten­free, mini­waf­fles, pump­kin, vegan
Serv­ings: 6 waf­fles


  • waf­fle iron


dry ingredients

  • 130 g rice flour
  • 100 g almonds, fine­ly ground
  • 80 g food starch gluten­free, e. g. tapi­o­ca or potato
  • 40 g sug­ar coconut blos­som sug­ar or xylit or as desired
  • 1 tbsp vanil­la sugar
  • 1 tbsp tar­tar bak­ing powder
  • 1 tsp ground psyl­li­um husk
  • 1 tsp ground cin­na­mon
  • 1/2 tsp ground turmer­ic
  • 1 pinch of salt

liquid ingredients

  • 80 g olive oil
  • 150 g pump­kin puree
  • 250 ml water
  • extra olive or coconut oil for the waf­fle iron

serve with

  • almond but­ter
  • berry com­pote


  • Mix the dry ingre­di­ents togeth­er. Stir in liq­uid ingre­di­ents even­ly to form a smooth dough. Allow to swell for 10 minutes.
  • Heat the waf­fle iron. Pour approx. 2 tbsp of bat­ter per waf­fle into the greased waf­fle iron. Bake for about 4- 5 min­utes until gold­en brown, remove care­ful­ly and let cool on a cool­ing rack. Serve plain or with almond but­ter and berry compote.
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