About me

Pia- chef since 2003, food styl­ist since 2005, food blog­ger since 2021. This blog is to give me the oppor­tu­ni­ty to elab­o­rate recipes and top­ics that inter­est me myself and that I con­sid­er suit­able for every­day life and current.

As a food styl­ist I had/have often the task to cre­ate or style recipes that in my opin­ion are rather unworld­ly, reserved for an elite or unhealthy. Top­ics like pork bel­ly, but­ter­cream cakes or caviar etc.

You could say I’m going for the “urban lifestyle” here with bar­ley grass and jiva­muk­ti yoga & co- but those are the things that real­ly work for me : in a big city, free­lance and sin­gle parent.

To not com­plete­ly exhaust myself I need good input for my health, exer­cise and med­i­ta­tion. So here are veg­e­tar­i­an, some­times veg­an, alco­hol and gluten free recipes, most­ly hor­mone friend­ly. Oth­er pas­sions are — as hard-boiled and city-slick­er as it sounds fresh air and yoga. I think you prob­a­bly feel the same way if you’ve land­ed on my blog and read this far.

I am glad you are here. — Pia