apple quince tarte

Now it’s autumn. My par­ents were busy and have already har­vest­ed apples, pears and quinces. They brought us a part of the booty, even with a few jars of quince jel­ly. My moth­er real­ly knows how to make quince jel­ly! The acid­i­ty and con­sis­ten­cy are just per­fect. And she does­n’t make it too sweet.

Actu­al­ly, the small fresh apples are too good for bak­ing, but this year there are real­ly a lot of apples and we would not even man­age to eat them all fresh ; although I already use them every­where: in sal­ads, mues­lis, pure, with a lit­tle almond or peanut butter.

The dough is quick to make. How­ev­er, in order to roll it out, it must be left to chill for an hour. The apples are sliced quick­ly short­ly after rolling out. Some peo­ple don’t like the core, so you can remove it with an apple cor­er before slic­ing. Direct­ly after slic­ing, place the apple slices on the dough, sprin­kle with a lit­tle coarse cane sug­ar and bake the tart in a hot oven. As fat I use veg­an mar­garine, there I found a good one with­out palm oil and soy. Oth­er­wise, who uses ani­mal prod­ucts can take but­ter here.

As a binder I used xan­than gum. Xan­than gum is not always gluten free and you should also make sure it is food grade when buy­ing it. It is some­times used for cos­met­ic prod­ucts as well. I always use this one, avail­able at health food stores or online stores. It is an all nat­ur­al poly­sac­cha­ride and is usu­al­ly well tol­er­at­ed by peo­ple with aller­gies and food intol­er­ances. (Oth­er gluten-free binders like locust bean gum and guar gum, among oth­ers, cause dis­com­fort for me and for peo­ple with his­t­a­mine intol­er­ance, for example).

I am curi­ous what you say and how the tartes become with you. Feel free to write me com­ments about it.

Apple Quince Tarte

veg­an and gluten­free tarte, quite quick recipe
Prep Time20 mins
Cook Time20 mins
cool­ing time1 hr
Total Time1 hr 40 mins
Course: bak­ery, cake, Dessert
Key­word: bak­ery, bak­ing, gluten­free, vegan


  • 70 g whole­meal rice flour
  • 50 g pota­to starch
  • 50 g tapi­o­ca starch
  • 60 g sug­ar (or as desired) xylit or coconut blos­som sugar
  • 1/2 tsp xan­than gum
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 125 g veg­an mar­garine (try to get soy and pal­moil free) alter­na­tive­ly butter
  • 4 tiny apples (about 400 g )
  • 2 tbsp quince jel­ly alter­na­tive­ly apple jelly


  • Mix flour with both types of corn­starch, sug­ar, xan­than gum and salt. Add mar­garine in small pieces and crum­ble even­ly between fin­gers togeth­er with flour mix­ture. Add 1 table­spoon cold water and knead every­thing briskly into a smooth dough. Place in a fresh-keep­ing box and chill for at least 1 hour.
  • Roll out dough on direct­ly on a bak­ing paper to a rec­tan­gle ( approx. 22 x 30 cm). Slice apples into thin slices (approx. 3 mm). Remove the cores that come loose. If you don’t want to use the core, cut it out with an apple corer. 
  • Place the apple slices in rows on the dough. If you like, sprin­kle even­ly with 1 tbsp. cane sug­ar. Place on a bak­ing tray.
  • Bake in the pre­heat­ed oven at 200 degrees top/bottom heat (con­vec­tion oven 180 degrees) in the low­er third for about 20 min­utes. Take out. Stir jel­ly and spread even­ly on the cake with a brush or tea­spoon. If the jel­ly is too firm, warm it a lit­tle before­hand. Let cake cool on a cake rack.
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