peanut chocolate cookies

If I have a free choice, I tend to go for cakes rather than cook­ies. Cook­ies are too com­pact for me, often too sweet. I came up with this idea because I’ve been in a peanut but­ter fren­zy for the past few weeks. It actu­al­ly goes every­where: in smooth­ies, in dress­ings, on bread, with fruit, etc…. Of course, I’m not talk­ing about the sweet­ened peanut but­ter with palm oil or oth­er fats. Just peanut pure and a lit­tle salt.

Peanuts are an excel­lent source of glu­t­a­mine if you avoid meat. One has an increased need for glu­t­a­mine in autoim­mune dis­eases or leaky gut syn­drome*, etc. A high­ly rec­om­mend­ed book on this sub­ject is Ener­gy! by doc­tor Anne Fleck.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the sug­ar in the cook­ies is prob­a­bly not that ben­e­fi­cial to your health, but they can be an excep­tion. In a twist off jar or locked box they will last a few days and you don’t have to eat them all right away. I’ve baked them sev­er­al times, some­times with xyl­i­tol, with coconut blos­som sug­ar or half/half with reg­u­lar cane sug­ar. So you can choose what you like. In the recipe is a “nor­mal” sug­ar spec­i­fi­ca­tion, so they taste like nor­mal cook­ies. For me it is too sweet and I bake them with 20 g less sug­ar, so here only 60 g. If you are also so on it, take also a bit less. 

To be able to form balls, the dough must stand for an hour in a cold place. Then you can form it into indi­vid­ual balls with a hol­low and fill them with peanut but­ter. It’s a pret­ty sticky affair, for me too. This is how it should be, you do every­thing right. 😉

I have used chopped choco­late and some peanut but­ter as dec­o­ra­tion, but chopped peanuts or cocoa nibs will def­i­nite­ly work as well.

I used xan­than gum as a thick­en­er. Xan­than gum is not always gluten-free and you should also make sure it is food grade when buy­ing it. It is some­times used for cos­met­ic prod­ucts as well. I always use this one, avail­able at health food or online stores. It is an all nat­ur­al poly­sac­cha­ride and is usu­al­ly well tol­er­at­ed by peo­ple with aller­gies and food intol­er­ances. (Oth­er gluten-free thick­en­ers like locust bean gum and guar gum, among oth­ers, cause dis­com­fort for me and for peo­ple with his­t­a­mine intol­er­ance, for example).

Even though it’s a lit­tle fid­dly to roll the peanut but­ter into the dough, you don’t have to do it that cor­rect­ly and the cook­ies taste just fine, unper­fect­ed. I hope you have fun bak­ing and eat­ing them. About com­ments and expe­ri­ences, how the cook­ies turned out with you, I’m hap­py. Have a fan­tas­tic day, Pia

*Anne Fleck, Ener­gy! dtv, 2021, page 266 

peanut chocolate cookies

choco­late cook­ies with peanut filling
Prep Time30 mins
Cook Time10 mins
cool­ing time1 hr
Total Time1 hr 40 mins
Course: cook­ies, Dessert
Key­word: bak­ery, Cook­ies, glutenfree
Serv­ings: 14 cook­ies


  • 100 g food starch corn or potato
  • 60 g whole­meal rice flour
  • 10 g cocoa pow­der unswee­t­end
  • 1/2 Tsp Xan­than
  • 1 pitch of salt
  • 125 g veg­an mar­garine with­out palm oil or soy if possible
  • 80 g sug­ar alter­na­tive­ly xylit or coconut blos­som sugar
  • 100 g peanut­but­ter unswee­t­end, with­out palmoil
  • 20 g dark choco­late dark


  • Mix corn­starch with flour, cocoa, xan­than gum and salt. Beat mar­garine and sug­ar with the whisks of a hand mix­er until white. Stir in flour mix­ture briefly. Knead every­thing into a smooth dough. Place in a cool box and chill in the refrig­er­a­tor for 1 hour.
  • Divide the dough into approx. 14 pieces of approx. 25 g each. Roll each piece into a ball with your hands. (If you think the dough is still too soft, put it in the refrig­er­a­tor for about 1 hour) Press a hol­low in the cen­ter of each ball and fill it with a lev­el tea­spoon of peanut but­ter. Close the dough around it. Shape into a round. (yes this is sticky) Place balls on a bak­ing sheet lined with parch­ment paper with plen­ty of space between them. Place a small peanut but­ter blob on each. Chop choco­late medi­um fine and spread on top of cookies.
  • Bake in the pre­heat­ed oven at 180 degrees top/bottom heat (con­vec­tion oven not rec­om­mend­ed) in the low­er third for 10 min­utes. Remove and let cool on a cool­ing rack.
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