quick salad pasta

i try to cook as much as pos­si­ble myself, even if there is lit­tle time. One of the clas­sics is quick pas­ta with lots of fresh veg­eta­bles / sal­ad. Fix washed and shaved while the pas­ta cooks. Then add good oil, pos­si­bly gar­lic (depend­ing on what else is com­ing up) and a few nuts or seeds, some cit­rus or apple juice/vinegar for acid­i­ty. Salt (I may a tiny bit more says the doc­tor because I have low blood pres­sure 😉 and pep­per (with me rather not so much because I just do not like it). My pep­per mill I bought only when I need­ed it for the job and since then fam­i­ly mem­bers ask for pep­per. In gen­er­al, I rarely like to eat spicy. But I digress… The point here is to have a quick, easy meal that will give you ener­gy when you have a busy day, with­out hav­ing to go to a snack bar or eat sand­wich­es. Since my hor­mone bal­ance and some oth­er things are much bet­ter when I eat gluten-free, I am very hap­py that there is now real­ly good gluten-free pas­ta. My favorite spaghet­ti is made from whole grain rice from Rapun­zel (no- I am not being paid for this state­ment. I just think it’s a good exchange to make before sink­ing a lot of mon­ey into ingre­di­ents that don’t taste good). The same vari­ety is also avail­able as spirelli. Do you have a favorite vari­ety that you can rec­om­mend to me for vari­ety? I also like to swap out the pas­ta some­times when there’s still rice from the day before or I’ve hero­ical­ly stocked up on pre-cooked beans or lentils. These / or the rice I heat again briefly and then mix them with the „sal­ad“.

The recipe ingre­di­ents from the pic­ture for about 1 person:

100 g whole­meal rice spaghetti

1/2 clove of garlic

1 fresh tomato

approx. 50 g fresh greens (let­tuce, baby leaf mix, herbs etc.)

2 tbsp. vir­gin oil

1/2 tbsp lemon juice

2 tsp hulled hemp seeds

1 tbsp red radish cress

salt, pep­per