rice rolls with black sesame seeds

These rice rolls are my lat­est gluten free bak­ing high­light! They are made quick­ly. You can freeze them and bake them up quick­ly when need­ed. Here I have added some turmer­ic pow­der for nice col­or in the dough. And on top i sprin­kled black sesame seeds, gluten-free rolled oats and fleur de sel. Of course, you don’t have make them like that. You can bake them com­plete­ly plane or with nuts, dried fruits or flaxseed etc..

As you like. Yes­ter­day I baked some with small yel­low vio­let blos­soms. They were left over from a job and also do quite well on the small buns. (I will post a pic­ture of it on my Insta­gram account post). Soon I would like to try a sweet vari­ant. With some coconut blos­som sug­ar and choco­late chips or berries. I’m look­ing for­ward to it.

I’m hap­py when you give me feed­back on how you baked the rolls and whether every­thing worked out well. You can find a lit­tle stop motion video about the mak­ing. There you can see that I sprin­kle the seeds / salt and roll out again briefly, so that they hold on to it bet­ter. Then I brush them care­ful­ly. Of course you can also do it the oth­er way around: first cut out, then brush and sprin­kle. For me, too many grains fall off after bak­ing, which I want to pre­vent with the first method. But with the sec­ond vari­ant it looks prettier.

Once they’re baked, they’re used pret­ty much every­where: for break­fast, at lunch as a side dish with roast­ed veg­eta­bles, or in the evening with a spread and cucumbers/tomatoes, etc. for sup­per. Or to take along in a paper bag or lunch­box. I am a fan! 😉

As I said, I’m hap­py if you leave your feed­back in the com­ments. Also hap­py about whether you (espe­cial­ly in oth­er coun­tries) can get the ingre­di­ents and whether you have baked the rolls.

Rice Rolls with black sesame seeds

gluten free rolls like scones, veg­an, yeastfree 
Prep Time20 mins
Cook Time15 mins
Rest­ing time30 mins
Total Time1 hr 5 mins
Course: bak­ery, bak­ing, Bread, rolls
Key­word: bake, bak­ing, bread, break­fast, gluten­free, rolls, sesame, vegan
Serv­ings: 8 rolls
Author: peas&fennel


  • round cook­ie cut­ter approx. 7 cm ø


dry ingredients

  • 100 g almonds ground
  • 150 g rice whole­meal flour
  • 100 g food starch (pota­to starch) gluten­free
  • 10 g ground psyl­li­um husk
  • 20 g cream of tatar bak­ing poweder
  • 1 Tsp xan­than gluten­free
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of cur­cuma pow­der as desired

remaining ingredients

  • 80 g mar­garine (alter­na­tive­ly but­ter) veg­an, cool
  • 200 g apple pulp unswee­t­end
  • 1 tbsp black sesame seeds
  • 1 tsp fleur de sel
  • 2 tbsp plant milk ‑alter­na­tive­ly water or milk gluten­free


  • Mix the dry ingre­di­ents in a bowl. If desired, use a lit­tle turmer­ic pow­der for col­or. Fold in but­ter in small pieces. Knead between fin­gers with flour mix­ture to form a crumbly dough. Add apple pulp and knead briefly until smooth. Wrap in an air­tight con­tain­er and chill for 30 min­utes (in the refrig­er­a­tor or out­side if it’s cold enough where you live).
  • Roll out dough on a light­ly floured sur­face to about 2 cm thick. Sprin­kle even­ly with sesame seeds and fleur de sel and roll over again light­ly with rolling pin. Using a round cook­ie cut­ter, cut out sev­er­al cir­cles and place on a bak­ing sheet lined with bak­ing paper Brush with the veg­etable milk. Alter­na­tive­ly, you can first cut out the cir­cles, then brush with “milk” and sprin­kle with sesame seeds and salt. 
  • Bake in a pre­heat­ed oven at 180 degrees con­vec­tion (top/bottom heat 200 degrees) for 15- 20 min­utes. The buns do not need to be dark browned, just light­ly browned. Let them cool on a cool­ing rack. They taste best luke­warm. You can cut them in half the next day and toast them up. Or you can freeze a few rolls direct­ly, cut in half hor­i­zon­tal­ly. This way they fit in the toast­er and can be quick­ly defrosted/toasted as needed. 
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