pickled radish & pear

This beau­ti­ful pur­ple radish tastes no dif­fer­ent than its white counterpart, 

but we all agree that it looks much better.

The recipe is pre­pared quite quick­ly. But the veg­eta­bles / fruit should be about 1 hour in it to then be nice sweet-sour and crunchy. Scrape the radish well with a knife or scrub vig­or­ous­ly with a veg­etable brush. Cut out knob­bly and dark parts. Also rinse and dry the pear well. Slice both with a veg­etable slicer to a thick­ness of 3 to 5 mm. Place each in a heat­proof jar. Boil 80 g sug­ar, 200 ml water and 180 ml apple vine­gar togeth­er. Sea­son with a lit­tle salt. Pour over the veg­eta­bles so that they are com­plete­ly cov­ered. Mar­i­nate for at least 1 hour. When the liq­uid has cooled down, cov­er the jars and put them in the refrig­er­a­tor. The mar­i­nat­ed vegetables/fruit are all-rounders: like here with/on bread, in sal­ads, for bowls, with savory snacks, cheese, etc.