gluten free poppyseed waffles

Last Sun­day was waf­fle day. I tried to make them gluten-free & veg­an as loose as pos­si­ble, so that the whole fam­i­ly is hap­py with it and does not have to “suf­fer” when some­one eats gluten-free here. And this recipe turned out real­ly well for me! I was total­ly thrilled myself and the best thing is when you bake gluten­fei and no one tastes the dif­fer­ence. What is just a lit­tle annoy­ing that you do not even quick­ly spelt flour mixed with salt and bak­ing pow­der but for the gluten-free mix­ture needs a few more ingre­di­ents. But who often bakes gluten-free, has the ingre­di­ents any­way already at home or can use them again and again well. Part of the flour mix­ture is ground tiger nuts. (Ground tiger nuts are avail­able in health food stores, well-stocked drug­stores and health food stores. A larg­er selec­tion is also avail­able from the Govin­da brand). You can also replace them with almond flour. Tiger­nuts are also called tiger­nuts or chu­fa. So real­ly on the note I had them only after a Barcelona vis­it. There it was announced ‘Hor­cha­ta de Chu­fa’ (tiger nut milk) to drink. Like from an ice cream par­lor one bought cooled tiger nut milk alter­na­tive­ly with or with­out extra sug­ar. My friend, who lived in Spain for a few years, told me that this was more a trend of the elder­ly. But I do not care — it was real­ly refresh­ing and I at the time already sharply at the 38. Whole tiger nuts you can soak in water and snack as a sweet, very high-fiber nut alternaitve.

With the waf­fles we had unsweet­ened coconut yogurt, pas­sion fruit and hon­ey. Actu­al­ly, I would eat the waf­fles sim­ply hot with pow­dered sug­ar, with­out much schnickschnack. But prob­a­bly there are umpteen vari­a­tions and depend­ing on veg­an or not, you will cer­tain­ly find some­thing great for you.

Gluten Free poppyseed waffles with passionfruit

Waf­fles gluten­free and vegan
Prep Time10 mins
Cook Time20 mins
Rest­ing Time10 mins
Total Time40 mins
Course: Break­fast, cake, Snack, sweet, sweets
Key­word: bak­ing, gluten­free, pop­py­seed, pop­py­seeds, veg­an, waffles
Serv­ings: 7 waf­fles
Author: peasand­fen­nel


dry ingredients

  • 10 g pop­py­seeds roast­ed
  • 100 g light rice flour
  • 100 g ground tiger nuts almonds also work
  • 80 g food starch pota­to or corn
  • 10 g cream of tatar bak­ing powed­er (wein­stein backpulver)
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 tsp psyl­li­um husk powder
  • 80 g sug­ar or birch sug­ar /coconut blos­som sugar

liquid ingredients

  • 80 g veg­etable but­ter liq­uid
  • 130 g apple pulp sug­ar­free
  • 250 ml plant milk gluten-free or milk

serve with

  • 250 g plant yogurt gluten-free
  • 3 pass­sion fruits
  • maple syrup date syrup or honey


  • Mix the dry ingre­di­ents togeth­er. Stir in liq­uid ingre­di­ents even­ly to form a smooth dough. Allow to swell for 10 min­utes. Heat the waf­fle iron. Pour approx. 2 tbsp. of bat­ter per waf­fle into the greased waf­fle iron. Bake for about 4–5 min­utes until gold­en brown, remove care­ful­ly and let cool on a cool­ing rack. Serve plain or with pas­sion fruit, yogurt and maple syrup.
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