cinnamon braided bread

Gluten-free yeast dough is real­ly such a thing for itself. From many I have heard that they often do not dare to yeast recipes. I think the main prob­lem is that they were dis­ap­point­ed because they have giv­en the milk or but­ter too hot to the dough and the yeast is destroyed so and can not work. And the oth­er prob­lem is that some can’t wait for the ris­ing times and say to them­selves “ah- it will fit”. But most of the time it doesn´t fit and the dough does not rise beautifully.

With gluten-free yeast pas­try comes anoth­er hur­dle. But give it a try. I find my today’s yeast recipe real­ly suc­cess­ful. Juicy, fluffy and pret­ty. Since I want to avoid the addi­tives like locust bean gum, soy or guar gum, I mix up my own flour blends for each recipe. If you don’t want to do that, you can cer­tain­ly use a ready-made blend. One with corn­starch or rice flour in the first place, suit­able for fine pas­try. In addi­tion then from my mix­ture of course the sug­ar, salt and psyl­li­um husks. Note that the amount of liq­uid may then change.

In the video you can see how I filled the braid and braided.

If you like, you can also use choco­late cream instead of cin­na­mon sug­ar or mix it with unsweet­ened cocoa pow­der. Then you have a kind of bab­ka. A long and involved recipe, but I think it’s worth it.

Cinnamon braided bread

gluten free braid­ed bread
Prep Time20 mins
Cook Time40 mins
Rest­ing time over night +2 hrs
Total Time3 hrs
Course: Bread, cake
Key­word: eggfree, gluten­free, yeastdough
Serv­ings: 12 slices
Author: Pia West­er­mann


  • loaf pan (22 cm)


  • 250 g hokkai­do pumpkin

Flour mix

  • 270 g rice flour
  • 150 g potatostarch or corn­starch
  • 1 tbsp tar­tar bak­ing powder
  • 9 g dried yeast gluten free
  • 20 g ground psyl­li­um husks
  • 1 tsp xan­than gluten free
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 50 g sug­ar

liquid ingredients

  • 220 ml milk or gluten free plantmilk
  • 50 g but­ter or veg­an margarine
  • 2 tbsp apple cider


  • 50 g coarse cane sugar
  • 3 tsp cin­na­mon powder
  • 50 g but­ter or veg­an margarine
  • 3 tbsp quince jel­ly


  • Remove the seeds from the pump­kin and cut into pieces of about 5 cm. Either boil in light­ly salt­ed water until soft or steam in a steam­er insert until soft. Drain and let cool completely. 
  • Mean­while, weigh and mix the ingre­di­ents for the flour mix­ture. Melt the but­ter and let cool again. Fine­ly puree the cooled pump­kin. Weigh out 200 g of it and add to the flour mix­ture. Add the liq­uid but­ter (it should only be luke­warm, not hot!), milk and apple cider vine­gar and knead with the dough hook of a food proces­sor to a smooth dough. Place in an air­tight stor­age box and refrig­er­ate overnight (or 6 hours). (For the impa­tient, the recipe will also work if you let the dough rise, cov­ered, at room tem­per­a­ture for 2 hours. But it is worth let­ting the dough rise overnight).
  • The next day, melt the but­ter for the fill­ing and let it cool a bit. Knead the dough vig­or­ous­ly again. On a work sur­face light­ly dust­ed with rice flour, roll out into a rec­tan­gle (30 x 35 cm). Cut in half length­wise. Mix sug­ar with cin­na­mon. Brush dough with but­ter. Sprin­kle cin­na­mon mix­ture even­ly on top. Roll up each of the two sheets of dough tight­ly from the longer side and inter­twine. Fold ends down. Place in a bak­ing dish lined with parch­ment paper. Using a sharp knife, make 2 cm deep cuts in the dough strands (see video). Cov­er and let rise for 2 hours. 
  • Pre­heat oven to 180 degrees (top/ bot­tom heat). Bake the bread on the sec­ond rack from the bot­tom for 35- 40 min­utes. If the sur­face becomes too brown, cov­er with a sheet of bak­ing paper. Care­ful­ly lift out of the pan with the bak­ing paper. Let cool com­plete­ly on a cool­ing rack. Warm jel­ly slight­ly and stir until smooth. Pour jel­ly even­ly over the bread.
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