best waffles

Peo­ple go crazy, the weath­er goes crazy: floods, war, Coro­na. And that’s when I some­times doubt my blog. Is that what the world needs right now? Gluten-free recipes? But that´s what I can do. I con­tin­ue to do my thing in this /my way. It’s my job and I do it well. 

Peo­ple who can’t tol­er­ate gluten should­n’t have to look to dry pas­tries and col­or­less rice noo­dles. A vari­ety of col­or­ful, moist and quick recipes are pos­si­ble. And even veg­an ver­sions are pos­si­ble. So i am able to give some peo­ple ideas and inspiration. 

I baked these waf­fles on a total­ly rainy Mon­day. Although it is August, the autumn seems to arrive. Flipflops only now and then, socks and sneak­ers come back into use. In addi­tion, the night before some­one had tried to steal my beloved car­go bike.

Since I always use 2 thick locks, he did­n’t make it. But he destroyed my bike to a total loss. I was real­ly dev­as­tat­ed. A real waf­fle Monday. 

These waf­fles real­ly turned out insane­ly good. I’ve baked some before (these ) but now I’ve dis­cov­ered tapi­o­ca flour. This makes the waf­fles even more moist and fluffy inside, but crispy on the outside. 

I bake veg­an waf­fles, with plant milk and veg­an mar­garine but you can also replace that and use “real” milk and but­ter. In addi­tion, we had sour cher­ries. But they also taste great with pow­dered sug­ar. It’s best to eat the waf­fles right after bak­ing. Oth­er­wise store them air­tight and reheat the waf­fles in the toast­er the next day.

gluten free waffles

easy waf­fle recipe
Prep Time10 mins
Cook Time20 mins
rest­ing time10 mins
Total Time40 mins
Course: bak­ery, bak­ing, Dessert, glutenfree
Key­word: almonds, veg­an, waffles
Serv­ings: 7 waf­fles


  • waf­fle iron


dry ingredients

  • 100 g rice flour
  • 100 g almonds ground
  • 80 g tapi­o­ca starch alter­na­tive­ly potoa­to or corn
  • 1 tbsp cream of tatar bak­ing powder
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp psyl­li­um husk powder
  • 80 g coconut blos­som sug­ar altern. birch sug­ar or raw cane sugar

liquid ingredients

  • 80 g veg­etable margarine/butter soft alter­na­tive­ly butter
  • 130 g apple pulp sug­ar­free
  • 250 ml gluten free plant milk alter­na­tive­ly milk

serve with

  • cher­ry com­pote or pow­dered sugar


  • Mix the dry ingre­di­ents togeth­er. Stir in liq­uid ingre­di­ents even­ly to form a smooth dough. Allow to swell for 10 min­utes. Heat the waf­fle iron. Pour approx. 2 tbsp. of bat­ter per waf­fle into the greased waf­fle iron. Bake for about 4–5 min­utes until gold­en brown, remove care­ful­ly and let cool on a cool­ing rack. Serve plain or with cher­ry com­pote or pow­dered sugar
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